日曜日, 5月 22

The Poison of the Seas

we walk in shadows cast by the demons harboured by all.

inside the illness eats us,
and a balance between the pain and peace we emanate is struck slowly.
"wishing for the right lights to shine," tolls the dull drone of the city's bell.

stillness washes the shores
littered by the passing of too many feet. the visitors have all gone home now;
but will they take with them the purpose of our monument?
monuments built on ideas and marketed to the general public complete with a color-coded merchandising effort,
the practicing of the preaching gets swept underneath the power-grid.
we present our face in smartly painted Styrofoam and projected across multi-layered screens. the effect is pleasing to the eye.

streamed across infrared light into amulet receivers - information is put aside as not having enough entertainment value. the show begins! a sharp breath is drawn and noisy reality falls quickly out of fashion.

BELIEVE in the future and ACT on prayer.
beautifully arching prayers stave off misinformation as wishing makes wanting true.

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