月曜日, 11月 29



Turkey-day ended two days ago, or maybe it was Tofurky-day? In my case, I don't subscribe to either lines of thought. Turkey-logic dictates: the bigger the bird, the better. To this tune, birds have been genetically manipulated/bred to have breasts big enough to impede their ability to walk/have sex. If mapping the human genome or stem-cell research is unpalatable, why whet your whistle with these über birds?

Some will hold the Tofurky up as the perfect fusion of holiday delectableness and turkey crusader goodness. I'm not one of them. why delude yourself with fake-turkey if you so obviously want to enjoy "turkey flavorfulness?"

If you're anti-turkey eating, then don't pretend to eat turkey. Either eat the real thing, or eat something else. Choosing not to partake of traditional thanksgiving fare should not necessarily prevent you from holiday enjoyment. As to whether or not it makes you anti-pilgrim? Well, that is an entirely separate discussion...

土曜日, 11月 20

Paradoxical Pirate's Paradise

it is amazing to me how rampant fraud is on what are thought to be well established business sites such as eBay or Amazon.com's marketplace. not only this, but the systems in place to deal with issues such as counterfeiting are so wholly inadequate as to encourage continued flagrance of copyright laws as opposed to actually curtailing such activities.

a personal case in point: upon delivery, i found the item to be a fake. i notified eBay and proceeded to place another order for the same item on Amazon.com. upon delivery, i found the item to be, yet again, a fake. i have since notified both Amazon.com and eBay about this infraction of their trust and safety policies. in response both similarly encouraged me to contact the seller, to engage the seller in "open and honest" dialog. what the f!#%!? am i the only one who sees where the points don't form a line?

there exists not regulation, be it for all free men to freely pirate intellectual property at will. we stand by in silence.

火曜日, 11月 16

BOSHUU in Boston: Japanese career opportunities abroad

The Tokyo Wave Rides High
can you catch the wave as it builds to its crest?
the undertow threatens as the sky opens up.

shameless self-promoting signals the start of Chiavi Surf blog. be sure to check out this week's Monroe Street Journal: the international section houses my latest article. unfortunetly, the online version is sans images, thus i may be posting them here in the near future.

look up, look out.