火曜日, 12月 20

[Net] Transparency & You

Today, enabled by the Internet, the individual has access to more information than at anytime previous. this enables the motivated individual to act of his own accord - to organize groups or carry out actions without the need of in-house infrastructure. the infrastructure is provided for public consumption. a sword with two edges cuts both ways: one interest has the potential to affect all others.

does this lead us to embrace a transparent society where privacy was never a right? i'll watch over you as you watch over me and we'll stumble through?

i don't know, but there are a couple new software programs that are drawing heat from governments around the globe:
NASA World Wind and Google Earth. and there are probably more.

Utilizing readily available satellite imagery (varying in degrees of resolution/timeliness), one is free to explore the globe.

god, and it sure is a lot of fun.

coverage varies a little from program to program, some terrain is rendered in 3D - viewing angles galore! some cities are ultra high-res and feature 3D buildings. public transit subway/train lines are also available along with a host of information ready for access concerning monuments/formations.

Happy Trails, SpaceCowboys

1 件のコメント:

copora さんのコメント...

Google Earth is so much fun! we can see the countries, the cities, and even the streets we've never been to.
but why don't they release Mac version? ...and when will they add the pics of Ann Arbor??