Turkey-day ended two days ago, or maybe it was Tofurky-day? In my case, I don't subscribe to either lines of thought. Turkey-logic dictates: the bigger the bird, the better. To this tune, birds have been genetically manipulated/bred to have breasts big enough to impede their ability to walk/have sex. If mapping the human genome or stem-cell research is unpalatable, why whet your whistle with these über birds?
Some will hold the Tofurky up as the perfect fusion of holiday delectableness and turkey crusader goodness. I'm not one of them. why delude yourself with fake-turkey if you so obviously want to enjoy "turkey flavorfulness?"
If you're anti-turkey eating, then don't pretend to eat turkey. Either eat the real thing, or eat something else. Choosing not to partake of traditional thanksgiving fare should not necessarily prevent you from holiday enjoyment. As to whether or not it makes you anti-pilgrim? Well, that is an entirely separate discussion...