a great shot by John, what do you play yours on?
John, a fellow Tokyopian, along with IGN's Anoop were in Shibuya to pick up their pre-ordered systems. They even had an encounter with Ken Kutaragi. Despite the good fortune in Shibuya, it sounded like there was fun to be had in Yodobashi as well: a van full of chinese speaking men were actively recruiting homeless Japanese men to wait in line to pick up copies of the system (1 machine/person). I guess that's how the eBay game is played (ex. 1, 2).
[something's amiss]
The system itself has some pretty mad functionality, utilizing Sony's proprietary Memory Stick storage device and a standard IEEE 802 network (remember from class?) for a one-two-punch in a sleek black dress. While Sony's online plans are a ways off, the fine online crackers of Team Xlink are working on a system (called Kai) to tunnel the PSP. If you've never been desperate enough to resort to tunneling, then you wouldn't know, but basically it is a system where by you use your PC to intercept the game's wireless LAN (in this case) and, acting as a middleman, send out the signal via the Internet to another user running the same setup. Bam, you've got unofficial internet gaming.
US launch is slated for next year.
3 件のコメント:
Hey you!
Sorry I haven't posted...since we are the only ones posting it leaves our blogs empty if we are not active.
However....This is pretty cool. The handheld seems kind of cool. Almost similar to a cell phone.
But to be honest I've never been one for the games....except Mario on N64 which for gamers is an old ass game.
And actually, after listening to my brother all the time, I've kind of become a support of PC games...Ragnarok anyone? hehee.
But my favorite RPG are the dating ones. Who ever came up with such a great idea is fantastic! HAHAHA ok I've amused myself enough for one day
Ja Ne!
PS I want to go to Shibuya! soo coool -> I was going to spell cool in Japanese, but I realized I didn't know how ;)
oh yeah, dating RPGs, those are loads of fun!
things are pretty quiet here in blogger-space, aren't they? {{{{ECHOOoooo}}}}} {{echhoooo}}}
for "cool" you can say any number of things, most of which i'm sure you've probably heard before: kakkou ii or sugoi (sugei is a popular slang variation).
Ohiyo!! *echo* hehehehe -> Steviek in a super werid mood where she actually giggles. You know, even though it's pretty quiet, it's kind of cool cause it's just really you and me babbling on and we don't have this kind of time in class to talk.
I was going to say Kakkou ii but I wasn't sure how to spell it.
Isn't Sugoi more like super/awesome?
You know what I think is super cute?! When I run into Japanese tourist families and they have little kids. The little kids talk in Japanese and THEY ARE SO KAWAII!!! *Sneak* *Snatch* *Snuggle*
There were a ton of Japanese families in Niagra. I couldn't decide which one to take home. and the kids would yell out things like SUGOI! SO CUTE! gah! They are like cute little anime characters, except real life!
Ok, now I'm going to find a small corner to calm down in ;)