Couple pages from a favorite Doraemon manga of mine. I'm thinking of airbrushing in English bubbles, but I don't know if the payoff will be worth it.
the basic story is that Nobita (the boy) and Doraemon (a cat-like robot from the future whose ears were stolen by mice) were watching television one day. there was a lady interviewing a famous baseball star - who explained that he was discovered by chance when he took a wrong turn on his way to someplace or another... anyway, Nobita is inspired by this story - that your whole life can change depending on which road you choose to walk down. He asks Doraemon to do something about this. Doraemon, who is constantly barraged with favors from Nobita, responds by producing a future forecasting mirror-like machine from his pouch (Doraemon stores all sorts of wonders in his pouch- such is the lot of robot cats without ears). With this machine in hand, Nobita sets out to select his destiny.
these are the last two pages from this story. near the end, Doraemon gives Nobita what I find to be a very stirring pronouncement of the nature of fate.
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