月曜日, 5月 29

[Net] We Have a Map of the Internet

I came across this sweet little JAVA app through a story over at Monkey Bites that linked to Sala's Aharef Blog. i've seen this type of website mapping application before, but this one has some pretty slick animation and is a snap to run. Try running it on your own site here.

there are probably more robust mapping apps out there; but Sala's represents HTML tags according to the following scheme:

This is the key for the final output:
blue: for links (the A tag)
red: for tables (TABLE, TR and TD tags)
green: for the DIV tag
violet: for images (the IMG tag)
yellow: for forms (FORM, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and OPTION tags)
orange: for linebreaks and blockquotes (BR, P, and BLOCKQUOTE tags)
black: the HTML tag, the root node
gray: all other tags

here's the Tokyo Wave:

a new project of mine over at .MAC:

my first website:

水曜日, 5月 17

[Net] Situation: breakdown - All Images Down

The Tokyo Wave has been proud to provide a total of 54 (now 55) earth-shatteringly enticing entries that can only be described as detailing the truth that something is amiss.

Chiavi Surf has enjoyed listing his friends, links, and ramblings - but sometime soon, access to University of Michigan's servers will be lost. as many of the images/files hosted here find their home on those servers and as it is not deemed a time-worthy investment to re-write the links, much of this site will cease to function.

御心配なく, however, Tokyo Surf is seeking out a new domain and service. pertinent links are forthcoming but will be provided here.


[エンタメ] ハウルを人口減少の社会から見ると

Thanks to the kindness of my landlord and his family, I was able to head over to Borders (the fine folks at Borders Group, Inc. have their headquarters in Ann Arbor) and purchase myself a copy of Howl's Moving Castle (ハウルの動く城).
David Edelstein's review of the English language version is here.

i enjoyed how Miyazaki choose Diana Wynne Jones' children's story by the same name to frame his latest theatrical release. Perhaps it is coincidence; but, with Japan's birthrate at 1.38 per couple, a story where a young girl only truly discovers herself after turning into a 90-year-old woman might be a poignant choice for 団塊の世代 (1947~'49).

i'd seen the film once before, but it was a thrill to see it in its DVD format.

meanwhile, Miyazaki's next project (ゲド戦記) is slated for a July roadshow in Japan. the face of humanity is changing...

月曜日, 5月 1

[エンタメ] More Truthiness Than You Can Shake a Stick At

Stephen Colbert - the man that makes me want to adopt ultra-conservatism, embrace ignorance, and align myself with the heartland values of America! certainly on the edge (if not, at times, over), Stephen Colbert pushes the envelope of what punditry can be - and how fantaticism in the extreme can both entertain and effectively convey political commentary at the same time.

i tune-in to Stephen's Comedy Central program via iTunes' new "multipass" product. the show's great, though i've since come to the conclusion that iTunes' video content leaves a little to be desired (it only allows data backups and does not allow the use of content in one's own authored DVDs).

4/29: White House Correspondence Dinner
Stephen Colbert attends as his "Lincolnish" and "Megalomamerican" character - amusing and offending the audience. You can check out his full bit by clicking on the title link or here.