Stephen Colbert - the man that makes me want to adopt ultra-conservatism, embrace ignorance, and align myself with the heartland values of America! certainly on the edge (if not, at times, over), Stephen Colbert pushes the envelope of what punditry can be - and how fantaticism in the extreme can both entertain and effectively convey political commentary at the same time.
i tune-in to Stephen's Comedy Central program via iTunes' new "multipass" product. the show's great, though i've since come to the conclusion that iTunes' video content leaves a little to be desired (it only allows data backups and does not allow the use of content in one's own authored DVDs).
4/29: White House Correspondence Dinner
Stephen Colbert attends as his "Lincolnish" and "Megalomamerican" character - amusing and offending the audience. You can check out his full bit by clicking on the title link or here.
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