Thanks to the kindness of my landlord and his family, I was able to head over to Borders (the fine folks at Borders Group, Inc. have their headquarters in Ann Arbor) and purchase myself a copy of Howl's Moving Castle (ハウルの動く城).
David Edelstein's review of the English language version is here.
i enjoyed how Miyazaki choose Diana Wynne Jones' children's story by the same name to frame his latest theatrical release. Perhaps it is coincidence; but, with Japan's birthrate at 1.38 per couple, a story where a young girl only truly discovers herself after turning into a 90-year-old woman might be a poignant choice for 団塊の世代 (1947~'49).
i'd seen the film once before, but it was a thrill to see it in its DVD format.
meanwhile, Miyazaki's next project (ゲド戦記) is slated for a July roadshow in Japan. the face of humanity is changing...
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